Sunday, July 10, 2016

Ways to Cure a Nasty Hangover

You know better than to buy anything labeled "hangover cure" for the mornings after a wild night, but there has to be something out there to ease the headache, nausea, and overall sense of feeling like crap—right?

Here are list of hangover remedies:

H2O is a must to cure a hangover. As you likely know from the frequent trips to the bathroom during a night of debauchery, alcohol is a diuretic and can cause dehydration. Before falling into bed, down 16 to 20 ounces of water.
Lots of people—hungover or not—use a cup of joe to wake up and feel alert at work. Caffeine can both treat and cause headaches and migraines, so this one is a personal preference. If you do down a cup to cure a hangover, be sure to drink water, too, since studies suggest caffeine causes dehydration. 
What you eat after drinking doesn't matter—it's what you eat before all those Jagerbombs that can help lessen the hangover the next day. Food helps slow the absorption of alcohol, and the longer it takes the alcohol to reach your blood stream, the longer it is until you become intoxicated. 
If you normally take a multi, go ahead, but no studies have found that any particular vitamins do anything to cure a hangover. And one night of intoxication isn't enough to throw off the levels of nutrients in your body to the point where you need to worry.

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